Sunday, June 13, 2010

Motivate Me Monday - Kindness

Fifth Street Palace

Laura over at Along For the Ride has issued a challenge called 90 Days of Kindness. Click the button below to find out more about it.

Now after telling you about this challenge I must tell you that I will not be joining the fun.  Not because I don't think it's a worthy endeavor.  I think this is a great idea.  I just know that if I blog about the kind things I do, I will then be looking for comments about the kind things I have done, and my motives will be moved from spreading the love of Jesus to having my horn tooted. 

Laura's post did get me to thinking about living more radically for Jesus though.  In fact my heart longs to live fully for God.  I am so not there.  I have been radical in the past.  Just over a year ago I took my family and camped out in "the hood".  I learned some very valuable lessons from that experience, but the lessons are starting to fade.  I am becoming too comfortable. 

I don't have a plan yet but I am looking for opportunities to love abundantly and live for my Lord.

Do you have a motivational or inspirational post? Link up below!


Ticia said...

I know what you mean. Sometimes it's so tempting when you're doing something to blog about it to get the comments and compliments, so I'll just say kudos for making the decision to do it for yourself (and the others who benefit from your kindness), and then head over there to find out about the challenge, and not blog about it myself......

Olivia said...

It's very cool that you guys camped out "in the hood." That's an amazing idea! I too would love to "love abundantly" and "live for my Lord"!

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