Friday, February 6, 2009

Stepping Out

"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water.

"Come," he said. Matthew 14:28-29

How often do we take such a bold step of faith? Often I find that fear and uncertainty get in the way of me taking a faith risk. It is important to remember that when we are vessels that God can use, He reinforces us as we walk along the path of righteousness and obedience. We need to trust Him.

Where are you really comfortable in your life?

Is your home your safe haven? Step out and invite someone new over for an evening. Don't stress out about meal preparations. Soup and buns with chocolate chip cookies for dessert is often very appreciated by that other mom who didn't have to cook that night.

Do you have a car that runs? Perhaps there is someone who could use a ride to a church event or a community class. Lack of transportation may be the only excuse someone has for not being somewhere that would benefit them.

Pray and ask God to show you the areas in your life where He wants you to take a risk and provide people for you to reach out to.


Janice said...

I've spent the last few weeks praying for God to show me where I can serve him by helping others. Thanks for offering these great ideas! :)

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