As much as I love to blog, read comments and read and comment on other's blogs I am saying goodbye to this.
There are two little human beings and one big human being who deserve to have my attention. Not only that there is a sewing machine that I love to sit at and create and there are runs to train for. There are places for me to go and see...
So with this last post I want to ask you to examine your own life and see if there is something that you feel the need to sacrifice to really start living.
Be blessed!

I will miss reading your posts, but am blessed by your decision to follow your heart for your family. May God bless you in each of your endeavors!
I've been praying about re-prioritizing as school starts up and asking God what I can eliminate from our schedule...glad to know I'm not alone.
I've enjoyed reading your blog over the past couple years. I pray that your family is blessed by this decision (which I'm sure wasn't easy). Much love to you!
I will miss you as my blogging buddy, but pray that your family will be blessed by your decision. I do hope you will keep in touch. Take care.
I try to do the same..God bless you!
Thank you! Although I just ran accross your rich and last blog and your decision tomove on with Life- is a smart faith move!
Whatever I put my hand to let it work FOR me not vs me! Lack of sleep,cumlpulsive blogging..losing myself in the cyber world AS LIFE PASSES ME BY ... while my duties and etc. are neglected and I'm loosing all my joy in the process is not the will of G-d.
Enjoy life... Check out the book if not already...
The PRAYER OF JABEZ by Bruce Wilkinson ( 1 Chron4:9-10) ...and
The Prayer of Jabez for Women.
This prayer is answered in Eph 3:20ways!!!! I know!!!!:)
Bless you,
Shirah Cardinale
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