Thursday, February 18, 2010

Finer Things Friday -Good Books

Don't you just love a good book? The kind where you are friends with the characters or you are just learning so much you don't want to put it down and sleep.
I have been so blessed lately with some excellent reads.  The bible study I belong to has chosen two wonderful books in a row that I have grown from.

The first was Driven By Eternity  by John Bevere.  An eye opening look at how our life choices affect on earth affect our life after earth.

The second was Waking the Dead by John Eldrege.  I have written about this book before and I can not express how much this book has changed my perception of life and who I am in Christ.

An interesting thing is that I owned both of these books before my bible study chose them.  I had started reading them but found them boring and didn't finish either of then .  It was God's timing.  I have been hungry to go deeper and to learn about real life.  God placed these books back into my hands to discover all of these amazing lessons that He has for me.

Learning from good books and knowing that God is truly the one teaching you is for sure a finer thing.


Liz said...

This is my first time on your site -- I love the way it looks! Very cool. And since I know nothing about designing a blog site, I'm quite appreciative of those who not only know, but do.

This Friday finds me getting ready to go see my oldest daughter perform in her last college show. (She's a senior.) So that's exciting. We have a good 90 minutes downtime between getting her to her show after taking her out for dinner (of course!) and the show, so I'm bringing along a couple books. One is a standard mystery kind of thing, and the other is my new favorite, "The Objective is Happiness," by Thomas Wakefield. It's a fabulous self-help book that's so much more than a "self-help book." It gives you the perfect route from self help to understanding, to results.

Amy @ Finer Things said...

I've got to get back into reading for myself! It's been about 2 years since I've read a good book cover to cover.

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