Sunday, November 8, 2009

Motivate Me Monday- Redeeming Time.

Fifth Street Palace
I was inspired by a couple of things lat week.  The first was Amy from The Finer Things in Life posting on Twitter that she was not going on the computer until 1pm. 
"Hmm" I thought "If I stay off the computer until 1pm imagine the things I would accomplish!"

My second inspiration came from Sarah Mae of Like a Warm Cup of Coffee who originally started Motivate Me Monday. I encourage you to read her post Is Your “Me” Interfering With “Them?”

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16

Do you ever have moments where God penetrates your heart with what he is trying to tell you?  Where He gently burdens you with an issue in your life until you choose to surrender and allow Him to fix it?

I have often been frustrated with my family (mostly my children but sometimes my husband) for interrupting my blog time.  Can't they see I am creating?  Don't they know how irritating it is to be disturbed in the middle of pouring out my heart to my online friends?  Why won't they just leave me alone to get this done?

Wow!  Seeing these thoughts out there in black and white is sobering.  I am missing out on showing love to those I love most through my own selfish attitude.  

The Motivate Me Monday tag line is "Where we redeem our time".  Here is how I plan to do just that.

I will not check email, blog or Facebook until 1pm daily.  I will only be on the computer for 1 hour during these afternoons.  I will set the timer on my kitchen stove so that I have to remove myself from the computer and go upstairs to shut it off.

I will set aside my mornings for chores, homeschool and spending time with my children (and husband if he happens to be home).

I will use the second hour of my children's nap as a quite time to relax and be refreshed.

So there you have it!  My time redemption plan.

Link up with your motivational and inspirational posts.


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Sounds like a great plan my friend. I actually only blog before the kids get up or after they go to bed. It's part of my "alone" time.
Big hugs to you sweet one.

Jackie said...

Great ideas! The computer can be a real time suck even though there are many things I have learned and utilize from the internet. I will pray that you are able to do exactly what you have set forth as a goal and that it will bless your family.

Tracey said...

Limiting my computer time is something that I struggle with constantly. Thanks for the "motivation" to keep my priorities in line!

Sherri said...

YOU were my 100th follower! So I would like to send you a little surprise by mail! Will you please email me your addy?
my email is nutthse (at) bellsouth (dot) net.
Thanks so much for following my blog and watch for my 100th post giveaway coming up SOON!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is so true. Great verse and I love how you explained it.

Annette W. said...

How is it going?

You made me feel 100% convicted!

I think need to think this over, too.

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