Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Here in the palace we have recently been developing neater habits. You may have read Thursday Thirteen post about organizing. In that post I confessed that I am not an organized and tidy person. However I want to be, and I want my children to learn to be organized. I am thrilled to tell you that I have been making my bed regularly and dishes and laundry I am mostly on top of. I have given Hudson some chores:

1. Unloading plastic dishes and cutlery from the dishwasher (minus the sharp knives) and putting them away.

2. Putting away baby bibs, tea towels and dish clothes, and his own clothes once they are folded from the laundry.

3. Making his own bed every morning.

I have a system in place of daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal chores that I need to do. Three of my dear friends told me about Sidetracked Home Executives by Pam Young and Peggy Jones.

Now after writing all of this I must confess things are still a mess around the palace. It is getting better though. I am striving to celebrate my accomplishments.

I was recently given the opportunity to look at one's work as a gift from God. God's work is creative. He worked for 6 days creating the world and everything in it. He orchestrates our path to fit into a much bigger picture than we can ever imagine on Earth.

Do you have pretty partitions in your drawers? Is your feather duster a rainbow of colors? Do you compose music while scrubbing floors? How do you make your work in your home creative?


Unknown said...

Sarah nice to meet you!

I love that you refer to your home as the palace. HA! Our children will love that - I might just have to call our home that too - since they do refer to us as King and Queen - they of course are all princes and princesses. God's naturally :)

Your sense of humor is refreshing!


annies home said...

thanks for visiting my blog and yes it was a bit scary raising kids always has the scary moments in life does it not but with gods strength all will always work out

CalvaryGirl said...

I don't make it creative ;) I should though! Have you heard of The FLYlady? She has an email list, FB page, Twitters, etc ... anyho, her system was inspired by the SHEs. It's great and what I look to for guidance and motivation. I just need to get up and do it ;) You should check it out!

~*~ Wendy ~*~
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